User Agreement

Effective date: March 2, 2024

Welcome to, an innovative online service and mobile application dedicated to facilitating remote computations in the field of materials informatics using packages such as Abinit, Quantum Espresso, CP2K, Fleur, among others. This User Agreement («Agreement») is a binding legal contract between you («User» or «you») and («we,» «us,» or «our»), governing your use of our online service and mobile application designed for remote computations in the field of materials informatics.

1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing or using our service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, you must not use our service.

2. Service Description offers an online platform and mobile application that allows users to upload computational files or task descriptions for processing with various computational software packages such as Abinit, Quantum Espresso, CP2K, Fleur, etc. Our service executes these computations on cloud servers, returning the analysis and results files upon completion. Due to the potential length of computation times, users have the option to purchase additional CPU minutes and storage space for their results.

3. User Responsibilities

You are responsible for the accuracy and legality of the input files and task descriptions you submit. You agree not to use the service for any unlawful activities or in violation of any applicable laws or regulations. You are also responsible for securing your account information and promptly notifying us of any unauthorized use of your account.

4. Data Handling and Privacy

We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. Your ability to delete your personal information from your account is provided, but please be aware that your personal and computational data may be stored on our servers for a period, as described in our Privacy Policy.

5. Payment

Access to our service may require the purchase of additional resources, such as CPU minutes and storage space. All fees are due at the time of purchase and are non-refundable, except as required by law or as explicitly stated in this Agreement.

6. Service Continuity and Termination

We are dedicated to providing the highest level of service possible. In the unlikely event that we decide to discontinue our service, we commit to notifying all users at least three months in advance of the planned termination date. From the moment of such notification, we will cease accepting payments from users, ensuring that you have ample time to adjust and make any necessary arrangements regarding your computational projects. Our goal in providing this notice is to minimize any inconvenience and to support a smooth transition for our valued users.

7. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

Service Provided «As Is»: Our service is offered to you «as is,» with no warranties, express or implied. We make no guarantees regarding the service’s performance or the accuracy of any outputs or results.

No Affiliation with Computational Code Developers: Please note that we are not the developers of the computational codes utilized by our service, such as Abinit, Quantum Espresso, among others, nor are we affiliated with these software products in any manner. This distinction is crucial as it informs you that our expertise lies in facilitating access to these computational tools rather than in their development or direct operation.

Accuracy of Computations: Given our non-developer status regarding the computational codes, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the computations performed by these packages. Rest assured, we strive to ensure the most seamless and transparent interaction possible with these software codes, aiming to bridge any gaps between your computational needs and the software’s capabilities.

Liability Limitation: In alignment with the nature of our service, we shall not be held liable for any form of direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that may arise from your use of our service. This limitation of liability is a fundamental aspect of our agreement with you, acknowledging the inherent risks and uncertainties in computational processes and the reliance on third-party software codes.

8. Changes to Agreement

We reserve the right to modify this Agreement at any time. We will provide notice of these changes by posting the revised Agreement and updating the «Last updated» date. Your continued use of the service after such changes have been posted constitutes your agreement to the new terms.